ØPower system state estimation, optimal power flow, energy management system
ØIntegrated energy systemstate estimation, optimal power flow, energy management system
ØBig data, machine learning, artificial intelligence and their applications in power systems
ØOptimization and analysis of alternate electrical power system with renewable energy sources, Energy storage technology and application
陈艳波,教授、博导,入选国家级青年人才计划,昆仑英才(青海千人)杰出人才。分别于2007年、2010年和2013在华中科技大学、中国电力科学研究院和清华大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位,博士导师为卢强院士和梅生伟教授,2013年至今任教于华北电力大学,2019-2020年在美国南卫理工会大学作访问学者。现任华北电力大学教授、博士生导师,中国能源研究会优秀青年能源科技工作者,兼任IEEE Senior Member、CIGRE Member、IET-RPG等多个SCI期刊的副主编或编委、电力系统保护与控制青年编委会委员、IET-GTD客座主编(lead)、高电压技术特约主编等。
主持国家重点研发计划课题1项、国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目3项、国家重点实验室项目3项以及企业横向项目30多项;以第一作者出版学术专著2部,其中1部获得国家电网公司电力科技著作出版项目资助;以第一/通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文100多篇;以第一发明人授权发明专利30多项,完成科技成果转化1项,获软件著作权6项;参与制定行业标准2项;以第一完成人获省部级奖励2项、日内瓦国际发明展金奖、清华大学优秀博士学位论文奖等奖励。IEEE TRANS(smart grid、power systems、sustainable energy等)、Applied Energy、IET、中国电机工程学报、电力系统自动化、电网技术等刊物审稿人。
3. 学生获得荣誉(一等到三等奖学金未列出)
[1] 国家重点研发计划课题,“网-源-储-车”协同的高效能与高弹性轨道交通能源自洽技术,2021-2024,555万元,主持
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于知识引导的电力系统数据驱动状态估计研究,2021-2024, 55万元(直接费),主持
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于键合图理论的综合能源系统动态状态估计研究,2018-2021, 55万元(直接费),主持
[4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,电力信息物理系统的恶意数据攻击问题及对策研究,2015-2017,22万元,主持
[5] 企事业单位委托科技项目,电网绿色调度技术研究,2018-2019,228万元,主持
[6] 企事业单位委托科技项目,含特/超高压直流接入的弱送端电网安全品质评价及网架加强方案优化研究,2018-2019,130万元,主持
[7] 企事业单位委托科技项目,面向电热气的耦合综合能源系统状态估计方法研究,2018-2019,50万元,主持
1. 代表性论著
[1] 陈艳波, 于尔铿. 电力系统状态估计[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2021.
[2] 陈艳波, 林予彰, 马进. 综合能源系统状态估计[M]. 北京: 中国电力出版社, 2021. (获得国家电网公司电力科技著作出版项目资助)
[3] Yanbo Chen, Yuan Yao, Ying Zhang, “A robust state estimation method based on SOCP for integrated electricity-heat system,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(1): 810-820. (SCI)
[4] Zhi Zhang, Yanbo Chen, Jin Ma, et al, “Combined heat and power stochastic optimal dispatch considering AA-CAES and dynamic characteristics of DHN,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 2022. (SCI, accepted)
[5] Yanbo Chen, Junyuan Zhao, Jin Ma, “Fast decoupled multi-energy flow for integrated energy system,” Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy, 2020, 8(5): 951-960. (SCI)
[6] Yanbo Chen, Hao Chen, Yang Jiao, Jin Ma, Yuzhang Lin, “Data-driven robust state estimation through off-line learning and on-line matching,” Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy, 2021, 9(4): 897-909. (SCI)
[7] Cheng Gang, Lin Yuzhang*, Chen Yanbo, Bi Tianshu. Adaptive state estimation for power systems measured by PMUs with unknown and time varying error statistics[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(5): 4482-4491. (SCI)
[8] Fang Zhi, Lin Yuzhang*, Song Shaojian, Li Chi, Lin Xiaofeng, Chen Yanbo. State estimation for situational awareness of active distribution system with photovoltaic power plants[J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(1): 239-250. (SCI)
[9] Chen Yanbo, Yao Yuan*, Lin Yuzhang, Yang Xiaonan. Dynamic state estimation for integrated electricity-gas systems based on extended Kalman filter[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2022, 8(1): 293-303. (SCI)
[10] Chen Yanbo*, Wu Chao, Qi Junjian. Data-driven power flow method based on exact linear regression equations[J]. Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy, Early Access, DOI: 10.35833/ MPCE.2020.000738, 2021. (SCI)
[11] Yanbo Chen, Jin Ma, Pu Zhang, Feng Liu, Shengwei Mei, “Robust state estimator based on maximum exponential absolute value,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 4, pp.1537-1544, Jul. 2017. (SCI)
[12] Yanbo Chen, Feng Liu, Shengwei Mei, Jin Ma, “A robust WLAV state estimation using optimal transformations,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.30, no.4, pp.2190-2191, Jul. 2015. (SCI)
[13] Yanbo Chen, Feng Liu, Shengwei Mei, et al, “An Improved Recursive Bayesian Approach for Transformer Tap Position Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.28, no.3, pp.2830-2841, Aug. 2013. (SCI).
[14] Yanbo Chen, Feng Liu, Guangyu He, Shengwei Mei, “A Seidel-Type Recursive Bayesian Approach and Its Applications to Power Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1710-1711, Aug. 2012. (SCI)
[15] Tong Han, Yanbo Chen, Jin Ma, et al, “Surrogate Modeling-Based Multi-Objective Dynamic VAR Planning Considering Short-Term Voltage Stability and Transient Stability,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 622-633, Jan. 2018. (SCI, corresponding author)
[16] Yanbo Chen, Zhi Zhang, Xinyuan Liu, Weiru Wang, “Robust SCUC Model Based on Multi-Band Uncertainty Set Considering Temporal Correlation of Wind/Load Prediction Errors,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 180-190, Jan. 2020. (SCI)
[17] Yanbo Chen, Zhi Zhang, Pu Zhang, Zhaoyan Liu, Yansheng Lang, Xinyuan Liu, Weiru Wang, “Robust N-k Contingency-constrained Unit Commitment Model Considering the Fault Outage Probability of Units and Transmission Lines ,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.13, no.17, pp. 3782-3791, Aug. 2019. (SCI)
[18] Yanbo Chen, Zhi Zhang, Hengfu Fang, Yansheng Lang, Jin Ma, Shunlin Zheng, “Generalised-fast decoupled state estimator,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 12, no. 22, pp. 5928-5938, Dec. 2018. (SCI)
[19] Tong Han, Yanbo Chen, Jin Ma, “Multi-objective robust dynamic VAR planning in power transmission girds for improving short-term voltage stability under uncertainties,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 12, no. 8, pp.1929-1940, Feb. 2018. (SCI, corresponding author)
[20] Yanbo Chen, Yangzi Wang, Jin Ma, “Multi-Objective Optimal Energy Management for the Integrated Electrical and Natural Gas Network with Combined Cooling, Heat and Power Plants,” Energies, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1-20, Mar. 2018. (SCI)
[21] Yanbo Chen, Jin Ma, Feng Liu, Shengwei Mei, “A bilinear robust state estimator,” International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 26, pp.1476-1492, Jul. 2016. (SCI)
[22] Yanbo Chen, Feng Liu, Shengwei Mei, Jin Ma, “Toward adaptive robust state estimation based on MCC by using the generalized Gaussian density as kernel functions,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol.71, pp. 297-304, Mar. 2015. (SCI)
[23] Yanbo Chen, Jin Ma, “A mixed-integer linear programming approach for robust state estimation,” Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy, vol.2, no.4, pp.366–373, Dec. 2014. (SCI)
[24] Wei Huang, Liangjun Ge, Liangliang Hua, Yanbo Chen, “Day-ahead Optimal Scheduling of Regional Integrated Energy System Considering Dual Market,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2019 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[25] Cong Chen, Xinwei Shen, Tian Xia, Qinglai Guo, Hongbin Sun, Yanbo Chen, “Multi-objective Optimal Dispatch Method for Integrated Energy System Considering Exergy Efficienc,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2019 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[26] Yanbo Chen, Yuan Yao, Xiaonan Yang, Yansheng Lang, “A bilinear robust state estimation method for integrated electricity-heat energy systems,” Electric Power Automation Equipment, vol.39. no.8, pp. 47-54, Aug. 2019 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[27] Peng Wang, Lei Chen, Yanbo Chen, et a, “Cross approximation state estimation method for distribution network,” Electric Power Automation Equipment, vol.39. no.12, pp. 102-107, Dec. 2019 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[28] Shunlin Zheng, Jin Liu, Yanbo Chen, Bing Qi, “Bilinear Robust State Estimation Based on Weighted Least Absolute Value for Integrated Electricity-Gas System,” Power System Technology, 2019 [in Chinese]. (Accepted)
[29] Yanbo Chen, Zhi Zhang, Jingqiang Xu, et al, “Generalized Fast Decoupled Load Flow,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol.43. no.6, pp. 85-91, Mar. 2019 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[30] Yanbo Chen, Shunlin Zheng, Ning Yang, et al, “Robust State Estimation of Electric-Gas Integrated Energy System Based on Weighted Least Absolute Value,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol.43. no.13, pp. 61-69, Jul. 2018 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[31] Yanbo Chen, Hanyang Xie, Jinli Wang, et al, “Uncertain measure based robust state estimation of power system, part one: Thoretical Principle,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol.42. no.1, pp. 8-15, Jan. 2018 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[32] Yanbo Chen, Hanyang Xie, Peng Wang, et al, “Uncertain measure based robust state estimation of power system, part two: Model and Solution,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol.42. no.2, pp. 26-33, Jan. 2018 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[33] Yanbo Chen, Hanyang Xie, Peng Wang, et al, “Uncertain measure based robust state estimation of power system, part three: Algorithm Comparison,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol.42. no.3, pp. 9-13, 47, Feb. 2018 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[34] Yanbo Chen, Yang Liu, Ji Zhang, et al, “An Evaluation Method of Design Scheme for New Generation Smart Substation Based on Improved SEC,” Power System Technology, vol.41. no.4, pp. 1308-1314, Apr. 2017 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[35] Tong Han, Yanbo Chen, Zijiao Han, et al, “Optimal power flow based total transfer capability calculation for AC/DC system with VSC-HVDC,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol.40. no.17, pp. 9-13, 47, Sep. 2016 [in Chinese]. (EI, corresponding author)
[36] Ji Zhang, Zhi Du, Hanyang Xie, Yong Cai, Yanbo Chen, et al, “NGSS reliability analysis based on uncertain stochastic system,” Electric Power Automation Equipment, vol.37. no.9, pp. 210-217, Sep. 2017 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[37] Yanbo Chen, Jin Ma, “A bilinear robust state estimation method for power systems,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol.39. no.6, pp. 41-47, Mar. 2015 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[38] Yanbo Chen, Jin Ma, Yiyu Wen, “An adaptive robust state estimation approach for measurement noise,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol.39. no.8, pp. 66-73, Apr. 2015 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[39] Yanbo Chen, Qian Chen, Jin Ma, et al, “A Novel Linear State Tracking Approach of Power Systems,” Power System Technology, vol.39. no.2, pp. 472-477, Feb. 2015 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[40] Yanbo Chen, Jin Ma, Qian Chen, “A Novel Linear State Tracking Approach of Power Systems,” Electric Power Automation Equipment, vol.35. no.7, pp. 26-31, 49, Jul. 2015 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[41] Yanbo Chen, Feng Liu, Guangyu He, et al, “An improved recursive Bayesian approach for estimating transformer tap position,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 23, pp. 71-77, Dec. 2012 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[42] Yanlan Fu, Yanbo Chen, Rui Yao, et al, “A Robust State Estimation Approach Based on Objective Function of Maximum Exponential Absolute Value,” Power System Technology, vol.37. no.11, pp. 3166-3171, Nov. 2013 [in Chinese]. (EI, corresponding author)
[43] Yanbo Chen, Guangyu He, Jingyang Zhou, et al, “An Improved Power Flow Transfer Approach With Enhanced Ability to Identify Topology Error and Bad Data,” Power System Technology, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 95-100, Mar. 2012 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[44] Yanbo Chen, Jingyang Zhou, Erkeng Yu, et al, “A Transfer Power Flow Based State Estimation Model,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 39-42, 63, Jan. 2010 [in Chinese]. (EI)
[45] Yanbo Chen, Jingyang Zhou, Erkeng Yu, et al, “Transfer Power Flow Approach to Topology Error Identification,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 20-24, Jan. 2010 [in Chinese]. (EI)
2. 代表性发明专利
[1] 陈艳波, 陈锐智, 陈浩. 一种基于逻辑算子的配电网开关优化配置方法[P]. 中国, ZL201910106925.7, 授权日: 2021-2-12.
[2] 陈艳波, 陈锐智, 周勐, 方恒福, 郎燕生. 一种基于图论的配电网多种量测量的最优配置方法[P]. 中国, ZL201811043944.1, 授权日: 2022-1-4.
[3] 陈艳波, 张智, 吕盼, 刘建琴, 王智冬, 胥威汀, 叶希. 基于特征提取的多指标面板数据的同调机组分群方法[P]. 中国, ZL201810617026.9, 授权日: 2021-4-16.
[4] 陈艳波, 姚远, 陈浩. 一种基于故障可观性指标的配电网FTU最优配置方法[P]. 中国, ZL201811635564.7, 授权日: 2021-4-9.
[5] 陈艳波, 张智, 吕盼, 刘建琴, 王智冬, 胥威汀, 叶希. 基于面板数据加权聚类的同调机组分群方法[P]. 中国, ZL201810616975.5, 授权日: 2021-3-9.
[6] 陈艳波, 沈玉兰, 陈浩, 姚远. 一种基于多源数据融合的电网抗差状态估计方法[P]. 中国, ZL201811356209.6, 授权日: 2021-3-9.
[7] 陈艳波, 陈锐智, 王若兰. 一种广义快速分解潮流方法[P]. 中国, ZL201711174527.6, 授权日: 2021-2-5.
[8] 陈艳波, 陈锐智, 陈浩. 一种基于布尔型变量的配电系统开关的配置方法[P]. 中国, ZL201910085866.X, 授权日: 2021-1-12.
[9] 陈艳波, 张智, 陈浩, 刘新元, 刘锋. 计及故障概率的两阶段N-K鲁棒故障约束机组组合方法[P]. 中国, ZL201910524106.4, 授权日: 2020-12-1.
[10] 陈艳波, 张智, 沈玉兰. 一种广义快速分解状态估计方法[P]. 中国, ZL201711174558.1, 授权日: 2020-9-1.
[11] 陈艳波, 张籍, 谢瀚阳, 苏晨, 刘洋. 基于不确定随机系统的智能变电站主接线可靠性分析方法[P]. 中国, ZL201610237559.5, 授权日: 2020-6-19.
[12] 陈艳波, 张籍, 晋文杰, 马进, 谢瀚阳, 刘洋. 电力系统状态的双曲余弦型最大指数平方抗差估计方法[P]. 中国, ZL201510850198.7, 授权日: 2019-5-3.
[13] 陈艳波, 颛孙旭, 朱岸明, 邬捷龙, 于普瑶, 马进, 基于连续潮流的含VSC系统最大输电能力计算方法[P]. 中国, ZL201610515992.0, 授权日: 2019-4-2.
[14] 陈艳波, 颛孙旭, 朱岸明, 陶帅, 马进. 一种VSC-HVDC系统类同步机控制器设计方法[P]. 中国, ZL201610804241.0, 授权日: 2019-4-2.
[15] 陈艳波, 韩子娇, 马进, 张璞, 董鹤楠, 于普瑶, 韩通. 一种混合整数二次规划形式的抗差状态估计方法[P]. 中国, ZL201510850199.1, 授权日: 2019-1-15.
[16] 陈艳波, 韩通, 韩子娇, 张凯, 马进, 于普瑶. 一种含VSC-HVDC交直流系统最大输电能力计算方法[P]. 中国, ZL201610237762.2, 授权日: 2018-12-18.
[17] 陈艳波, 张籍, 晋文杰, 马进, 刘洋, 谢瀚阳. 一种电力系统状态的双曲余弦型抗差状态估计方法[P]. 中国, ZL201510850192.X, 授权日: 2018-11-9.
[18] 陈艳波, 颛孙旭, 晋文杰, 陈茜, 张籍, 马进, 陶帅, 陈意. 一种状态与参数联合追踪方法[P]. 中国, ZL201510850056.0, 授权日: 2018-10-16.
[19] 陈艳波, 张璞, 韩子娇, 董鹤楠, 韩通, 于普瑶, 马进. 电力系统状态的双曲余弦型最大指数绝对值抗差估计方法[P]. 中国, ZL201510849367.5, 授权日: 2018-7-31.
[20] 陈艳波, 李斌, 马进. 基于改进连续潮流的配电网PV曲线生成方法[P]. 中国, ZL201410362633.7, 授权日: 2017-12-29.
[21] 陈艳波, 刘锋, 梅生伟, 马进, 于普瑶. 混合二次规划形式的电力系统综合状态估计方法[P]. 中国, ZL201310567029.3, 授权日: 2017-3-15.
[22] 陈艳波, 刘锋, 梅生伟, 马进, 崔静思. 结构风险最小化的加权最小二乘电力系统状态估计方法[P]. 中国, ZL201310567014.7, 授权日: 2017-2-22.
[23] 陈艳波, 刘锋, 梅生伟, 马进, 陈茜. 电力系统噪声自适应抗差状态估计方法[P]. 中国, ZL201310594031.X, 授权日: 2017-1-11.